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Showcasing our works


Housing Development Project

We undertook a housing landscaping project, which we delivered to the client with a satisfactory result, we encouraged the use bonsai species of plant as shrubs and planted species with endangered species in the garden, such as Podocarpus costalis and Maba buxifolia.

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Lohan Sung Private Home 

We have delivered plenty of enormous sizes of lohan Sung / Podocarpus Costalis garden tree to our client. The plants have high market value, and the ability to bring in good feng shui was the major attraction to many.  Its avant-garde appearance has led to many people falling in love with it, and perhaps more importantly, this species is one that requires little in the way of maintenance.

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Lohan Sung & Tree planting 

Adding a couple more trees to your carpet grass lawn is the finishing touch for your garden. Podocarpus costalis, Lohan Sung, also known as the Chinese Feng Shui plant, is a popular choice for those looking for a avant-garde plant that bring them prosperity, good health, and good fortune. This plant has gained widespread popularity because of its ability to improve a home's aesthetic appearance.

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Replanting Giant Lohan Sung

We offer a comprehensive service, beginning with the delivery of your raw Lohan Sung plant and ending with its final presentation as a large bonsai in your home, complete with shaping, wiring, and transport. Contact us if you need assistance finding landscaping services that resonate with the Lohan sung garden tree.

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Transplanting Giant
Lohan Sung

罗汉松为风水圣树,是风水补吉祥之气最好风水物品,回望古代官邸、寺庙都将罗汉松作为官员和寺庙的守护之树,其原因是罗汉松的吐故纳新之超强的生命力,如同凤凰涅槃归来,傲立于万物之上。 罗汉松通常于春季发芽前上盆,盆土宜用质地疏松、排水良好的微酸性砂质壤土。罗汉松因其有遒劲有力的根系,四季常青的叶子,柔软而又有韧性的 枝条,十分适合制作成姿态优美的盆景,景观树。

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